Grief Bailey Combination

Sheep's Sorrel(Rumex acetocella)Dog Rose(Rosa canina)
Yorkshire Fog(Holcus lanathus)Trailing St. John's Wort(Hypericum humifusum)

This composite is for people suffering from bereavement or the loss of something precious in their lives. At such times we need to be able to express our grief so that it does not become locked within us.

Yorkshire Fog (a moorland grass) encourages us to shed our tears and symbolically wash away the anguish that naturally occurs at such times.

Sheep’s Sorrel helps us leave bitterness behind, the resentment caused by feeling “why should this have happened to me?” We can then accept what has happened so that we do not become trapped by bitter feelings.

Trailing S. John’s Wort is for healing. It takes the sting out of the situation and reduces the emotional tension and desperation that are so often a part of the grieving process.

Dog Rose is for loving comfort and support when we feel totally bereft, and other people, however caring, may seem very distant. It also allows us to open up to the depths of our grief without fear.