Water Element Keywords Fears, clearity, flow, will power, rhythms, life's purpose, depth, still, calm
Betony is the flower for fears that are locked in the unconscious mind, fears that seem quite irrational yet are very hard to escape from. Betony helps us to unlock these areas and so opens us up to change and renewal.
Bladder Senna is also in the Earth Excess composite and relates to catharsis and change. It helps to rid us of energies that have outlived their usefulness and so create space for new ways of working.
Compact Rush helps us to fulfil our role in life, to activate positive change rather than feeling stuck in the mud. This essence assists new beginnings, new energies and new insights.
Cyprus Rock Rose is for deep-rooted terrors that live in the subconscious mind. This flower helps to gently bring them to the surface where they can be seen for what they are - merely paper tigers.
Water Excess
Dwarf Purple Vetch | (Vicia villosa ssp. Eriocarpa) | Flowering Currant | (Ribes sanguineum) | Fuji Cherry | (Prunus incisa) | White Lotus | (Nymphea alba) | Yorkshire Fog | (Holcus lanathus) |
| Water Element Keywords Fears, clearity, flow, will power, rhythms, life's purpose, depth, still, calm
Dwarf Purple Vetch is the essence for deep underlying sexual difficulties that usually originate in childhood or adolescence. This flower helps to dissolve those old patterns so that we can reconnect with our true sexual nature.
Flowering Current is for people who feel overwhelmed by the pressures on them, yet somehow still seem to bravely keep going. This flower helps us to understand those pressures and to find ways of avoiding or lessening them.
Fuji Cherry helps us to take life more easily, it helps us to detach ourselves from events or people who otherwise would tend to take charge of our life. This is the key essence for personal tranquillity.
White Lotus relates to the unification of mind body and spirit. It helps remove the emotional blocks that otherwise restrict the energy flowers within the system.
Yorkshire Fog allows our emotions to flow. It helps us to be open to what has happened in our life, to shed tears, and so will lead on to a brighter, less restricting future. |