Dr. Edward Bach was a medical doctor in the U.K. during the early twentieth
century. He believed that healthcare should be effective and simple to use
for everyone and he made this the focus of his life’s work. He recognised
that to heal someone properly, the underlying issues had to be addressed
and not just the physical symptoms. Way ahead of his time, he realised that
many illnesses were caused not by a physical problem but by patterns in
emotional and mental issues. He developed the well known Bach Flower
Remedies, which are now used all over the world by millions of people to
help with their ailments. Though they should never replace medical treatment
were necessary, they are an extremely useful compliment and are
completely safe to take without fear of side effects, addiction and overdose.
They are totally safe for anyone to use from birth to old age and can
be used in conjunction with any other treatment.
Agrimony (Agrimonia Eupatoria) Oversensitivity group
This essence is for those who struggle to communicate, bottling things up
until they explode. This in turn can affect their creativity and selfexpression,
sometimes resulting in dependencies and addictions. Taking
Agrimony will enable folk to communicate happily.
Aspen (Populus Tremula) Fear group
Aspen is the remedy for unknown or vague fears such as agoraphobia, a
child's fear of the dark, spiritual or psychic events, strange places etc.
These fears can cause great anxiety and affect sleep.
Beech (Fagus Sylvatica) Overcare for others group
People needing this essence are very critical and judegmental of others creating
much frustration within themselves. They are intolerant of the habits
of others, creating their own impatience and anger.
Centaury (Centaurium Erythraea) Oversensitivity group
This essence is for those who cannot say 'no', exhausting themselves for a
distorted view of service. Centaury will give them the determination to say
'no' when needed and give them the willpopwer to stick to it, as much for
the benefit of others as for themselves.
Cerato (Ceratostigma Willmottiana) Uncertainty group
For those lacking faith in their own judgement, seeking opinions from others
as a way of making a decision. Disconnected from their own spirituality,
Cerato will help them reconnect, enabling them to listen to their own intuition
and correct their indecision to making right choices.
Cherry Plum (Prunus Cerasifera)* Fear group
This essence is for those who fear mental or nervous breakdown. They show
irrational behaviour, sometimes violence, but are unable to stop it, causing
anxiety for themselves and those around them. Women who suffer PMT
often show the need for Cherry Plum.
Chestnut Bud (Aesculus Hippocastanum) Lack of interest group
For those who fail to learn lessons the first time, both in life and at
academic study. Chestnut Bud will help them to learn without the need for
constant repitition. Helpful for those who have learning difficulties and for
folk who fall into the same trap again and again.
Chicory (Cichorium Intybus) Overcare for others group
Chicory people suffer a great deal of emotional pain, resulting in them
clinging selfishly to those they love. This pain may also be shown as
materialism or evoking illness for attention. This essence helps them in the
process of letting go and loving unconditionally.
Clematis (Clematis Vitalba)* Lack of interest group
Clematis folk are daydreamers and as a result can suffer forgetfulness and a
lack of concentration. They need grounding with the Earth to enable them
to live in the now. These people are often accident prone as a result of
their inattentiveness.
Crab Apple (Malus Sylvestris) Despondency and despair group
Crab Apple is a cleanser of mind, body and spirit. These folk will have an
unhealthy obsession with cleanliness, being almost addicted to it. This is
also the essence for skin complaints as it is very effective used as a lotion
mixed with a little water, or as drops added to a bath. It also helps us to
clear pollution, whether it be exposure to exhaust fumes etc, or pollution
of the mind.
Elm (Ulmus Campestris) Despondency and despair group
Elm is the remedy for those who can normally cope with huge
responsibilities, but find themselves suddenly overwhelmed and
overburdened. This essence is usually only needed for short periods as it
works very quickly to restore balance.
Gentian (Gentiana Amarella) Uncertainty group
This remedy is for those lacking in faith either in themselves or the Divine.
They become disappointed at setbacks and begin to doubt their actions.
Taking Gentian will help take away the dejection, and give them the ability
to see that things are working the way they are meant to.
Gorse (Ulex Europoeus) Uncertainty group
Gorse is the remedy for those with a very deep sadness and sense of
hopelessness. If the state is allowed to persist, there will be depression and
dark rings under the eys. The situation, and dark rings, will lighten as the
remedy is taken.
Heather (Calluna Vulgaris) Loneliness group
Those in need of heather are talkative people who hate to be alone, damaging
their relationships with others to avoid loneliness. Taking this essence
will allow them to enjoy their own company and take a healthy interest in
those around them.
Holly (Ilex Aquilfolium) Oversensitivity group
Holly is an especially strong essence for especially strong negative emotions
such as envy, jealousy, suspicion, revenge, hate and anger. Taking this remedy
will transmute into love all those states, taking away the frustration
these people feel at their own emotions.
Honeysuckle (Lonicera Caprifolium) Lack of interest group
This is the essence for those who live in the past, attached to 'happier
times'. Whatever they feel they have lost, be it through bereavement, divorce,
loss of material possessions etc. it keeps them locked in the past.
Taking honeysuckle will help deal with this grief and help them to happily
live in the now.
Hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus) Uncertainty group
Hornbeam is for those still tired on waking despite having a good nights
sleep. They usually have a kind of mental boredom such as procrastination
felt after a day doing nothing. This remedy refreshes the mind helping
strength and well being all over.
Impatiens (Impatiens Royalei)* Loneliness group
The people needing this remedy are irritable, intolerant of slow workers,
stressed and impatient. They get angry and frustrated if things aren't done
quick enough and as a result feel very stressed and full of nervous tension.
Impatiens brings gentle patience and tolerance.
Larch (Larix Europea) Despondency and despair group
Larch is for those who lack confidence in themselves, even when they have
the ability. They admire those who do what they dare not, but never envy
them. This essence can be used short term for exams, driving tests etc but
most likely it will be needed long term to restore their confidence and
Mimulus (Mimulus Guttatus) Fear group
This is the essence for known fears and phobias such as heights, spiders,
lifts, water etc. People needing Mimulus may be timid, nervous and
sensitive to their surroundings. These states cause fear and anxiety which in
turn may disturb sleep patterns. Mimulus helps in making changes to
becoming courageous and capable of dealing with our fears.
Mustard (Sinapsis Arvensis) Lack of interest group
Mustard is used to lift the black cloud of depression and dispel the gloom
and sadness that is felt like a weight on the body. These feelings may come
and go for no apparent reason, taking this essence will bring back joy and
Oak (Quercus Robur) Despondency and despair group
Oak is for those who normally soldier on whatever is placed in front of
them, but who cannot struggle on anymore. They often ache from deep
within their body, especially the legs, and suffer great weariness. Oak is a
quick worker restoring their strength to continue rapidly.
Olive (Olea Europaea) Lack of interest group
Olive is for tiredness and exhaustion, physical and mental. This essence
gives us strength to recover from illness in the long term and lifts our
vitality in the short term, such as from a hard days work.
Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) Despondency and despair group
The people needing this remedy have a deep seated guilt feeling, often
from childhood. They often feel the need to apologise when they have done
nothing wrong. Pine helps them to forgive themselves, lifting their selfesteem
at the same time.
Red Chestnut (Aesculus Carnea) Fear group
People needing this essence let fear and anxiety take over their concern for
others, always thinking the worst has happened to those they care for. They
often have no fear for themselves. Taking Red Chestnut will turn those
fears into healthy optimism.
Rock Rose (Helianthemum Nummularium)* Fear group
This is the essence for cases of terror, acute fear or blind panic, such as in
nightmares or panic attacks. Rock Rose transmutes fear and anxiety for
those suffering and for the people helping them.
Rockwater (Aqua Petra) Overcare for others group
Rock Water is for those who make martyrs of themselves by being extremely
strict in their lifestyles. They do this to set an example to others,
but end up denying themselves even the necessities of life. They will often
be stiff physically, and adhere to very rigid diets and even ideals.
Scleranthus (Scleranthus Annuus) Uncertainty group
Scleranthus folk are emotionally out of balance, finding it hard to make any
decisions because of this. In the negative state this can cause stumbling,
mood swings and even vertigo. Taking this essence brings about emotional
balance and removes indecision.
Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum Umbellatum)*
Despondency and despair group
This is THE essence for shock and traumatic events, releasing the effects
whether immediate or in the past. It is medically recognised that shock can
kill and giving this immediately helps the body to start its own healing processes.
It is particularly good also for the shock and trauma brought about by
bereavement and grief. Medical advice should always be called for in cases
of emergency.
Sweet Chestnut (Castanea Sativa) Despondency and despair group
This is the essence for those who suffer an absolute and utter despair. They
feel a complete hopelessness, sometimes with weariness and a feeling of
being trapped. Sweet Chestnut lifts this deep depression and eases sadness,
returning a sense of joy in life again.
Vervain (Verbena Officinalis) Overcare for others group
Folks needing Vervain are perfectionists, and often workaholics, who over
strive to get things done properly but quickly. They can be fantical in their
views and can often wish to change the opinions of others through force to
match their own. This ultimately makes them stressed and full of tension,
affecting their sleep and general well being.
Vine (Vitis Vinifera) Overcare for others group
People needing Vine are very strong minded and will ride roughshod over
the opinions, thoughts and feelings of others. They are bullies, intimidating
those weaker than themselves, though they do not realise it, but will not
argue as they KNOW they are right. This essence brings these authority
issues to light and brings out the great leadership skills these folks have in
Walnut (Juglans Regia) Oversensitivity group
Walnut is the essence to bring the ability to cope with any change in life
such as the menopause, breaking bad habits, new birth, divorce, new job,
bereavement etc. Many people find difficulty in adapting to these new
changes without becoming over sensitive to their effects.
Water Violet (Hottonia Palustris) Loneliness group
Water Violet people are gentle, sensitive souls who often withdraw into
their own space feeling somewhat aloof and slightly superior to their fellow
man. They are proud, upstanding folk who can feel very lonely. Taking this
essence brings the ability to socialise and dissolve their sense of
White Chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum) Lack of interest group
This remedy is needed when thoughts go around and around in your head,
like a hamster on a wheel. These thoughts take over our lives, preventing us
from sleeping properly and creating stress and tension. White Chestnut
calms the mind so is also good for an aid to meditation when we cannot
Wild Oat (Bromus Asper) Uncertainty group
Wild Oat is the essence for those who, wishing to find their path in life, are
unable to see the way they are meant to go. We all have a Divine Purpose
we are here to carry out, something enjoyable to us above all else. This
remedy takes away any indecision and enables us to trust the flow of our
Wild Rose (Rosa Canina) Lack of interest group
This is the essence for those with a loss of enthusiasm, particularly during a
long term illness, as they are resigned to the fact they may never be well.
They may feel tired and have a lack of interest in anything they once enjoyed.
Wild Rose will help bring back joy in life whatever the situation is.
Willow (Salix Vitellina) Despondency and despair group
Willow is for those who feel a great deal of frustration when life is hard and
does not go their way. They feel resentment towards those who seem to
have it easier than them and will often bear grudges. These folk need to
find their optimism and when they do, they will find a willingness to make
life better for themselves.
Emergency Essence
A combination of 5 Bach Flower Remedies* giving a very swift stabiliser to
traumatic or fearful situations, extreme conditions, accidents, etc. Also
useful to take before exams, driving tests, visits to dentist, etc. Take 4
drops in a drink and sip, replenish as needed. In emergency situations take
4 drops on the tongue, repeat until stabilised and calm. In cases of fainting,
rub the drops on lips, temple, inner wrists and other pulse spots, keep
repeating until consciousness regained. Emergency Essence in no way
replaces medical attention, which should always be summoned in
emergency; rather it releases and dissolves the effects of shock, fear or
trauma, thus enabling the body's own self healing process to take effect
* Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem and Cherry Plum.
Emergency Essence Cream
Emergency Essence is also available in cream form for external application.
It is beneficial and soothing, useful on scars, skin blemishes, pulled muscles
etc. Our Emergency Essence Cream contains all 5 remedies that make up
the Emergency Essence combination plus Crab Apple and Pine. It is made
from pure natural ingredients, is vegan compatible and is not tested on
How to use:
Any of the essences described here can be combined to make an individual
dosage bottle (up to a maximum of 6 or 7).
To make a combination or single essence into a dosage bottle, put 2 drops
of each essence into a clean glass dropper bottle containing up to 30ml of
spring water, adding a teaspoon of brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative.
The exception to this is emergency essence, count this as one essence
but add 4 drops instead of 2 when diluting. Take 4 drops of the mixture 4 to
8 times daily until relief is found.
The length of time taken to see the negative state shift depends on many
factors including the period of time the state has persisted and the sensitivity
of the person. Long standing problems in adults should be looked at after
6-8 weeks to see which states remain and if there are any new ones to
treat. Continue to treat the state with the appropriate remedies.
For relief from very recent or immediate negative states, put 2-4 drops of
each essence in a drink and sip, or if liquid not available put 2 drops
straight onto the tongue and repeat as needed.