Fire Element Keywords Joy, vitality, ideas, enthusiasms, creativity, intuition, warmth, inspiraton.
Buttercup helps to bring light and joy into our life. If we are miserable and depressed, then we can develop jaundiced views towards others. Buttercup helps us to open up our energies to the world around us.
Heath Bedstraw enables us to find peace and tranquillity, even when storms are raging around us. It helps to protect our own energies so they can develop safely, without interference from the outside world.
Oxalis is for those situations that have you by the throat. These may be due to emotional entanglements or a variety of other causes. Such emotional difficulties severely restrict our energies.
Sacred Lotus helps us to open up our heart to the outside world whilst keeping us protected from negative influences. In openly expressing our innermost being, our heart can truly sing.
Fire Excess
Bluebell | (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) | Firethorn | (Pyracantha atalantioides) | Magnolia | ("Magnolia x loebneri ""Leonard Messel""") | Sea Campion | (Silene maritima) | |
| Fire Element Keywords Joy, vitality, ideas, enthusiasms, creativity, intuition, warmth, inspiraton.
Bluebell is for those times when one feels as if oneis falling apart from within. It is as if one's energies have been used for internal destructive purposes rather than focused into beneficial enterprises.
Firethorn is the remedy for unstable energies that occur when somebody is unable to openly express anger or resentment, and bottles up these energies. Finally, like a volcano exploding, all the bottled up emotions come out at once.
Magnolia is the essence of unconditional love. It represents the double-edged sword of truth. It helps us to actively engage in the world, expressing our energies with love and compassion even though at times it may be hurtful to others.
Sea Campion is for those who were separated in very early childhood from the loving support of their mother or father. This produces a deep insecurity that can make us very hesitant in our dealings with other people.
Both Bailey Combinations Above are part of "Bailey Acupuncture Set"