Bloom Apothecary Homoeopathy - Creams

Aesculus, Hamamelis & Paeonia
Organic tinctures of Aesculus, Hamamelis & Paeonia are combined to provide relief for piles, varicose veins and thread veins.

Arnica Cream
An essential item for the first aid cabinet for bumps and bruises - tube

Calendula Cream
Wonderfully soothing for dry skin, nappy rash and minor cuts - tube

Graphites & Calendula cream
Graphites and organically grown flowers of calendula are combined to produce a rich emollient to gently soothe sore, cracked and broken skin associated with dermatitis, eczema and other similar skin complaints.

Hypericum/Calendula Cream
Known for its antiseptic and pain relieving qualities traditionally used for cuts, grazes, bites and stings

Rhus Ruta Cream
A soothing topical application combining organically grown Rhus tox and Ruta plants with the warming properties of Ginger essential oil. Traditionally used in the symptomatic treatment of arthritic / rheumatic aches and pains this cream may also aid the healing of sore or damaged muscles, tendons and ligaments and is a useful addition to the sports bag.

Tea Tree Cream
The finest quality Australian tea tree oil, with its renowned antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, is used to create a cream for the treatment of minor cuts, abrasions and fungal skin complaints.

Urtical Cream
A soothing treatment for minor burns, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria and other eruptions where there is intense itching and burning of the skin.