Specially formulated to those who need sleep and wake up renewed the next morning.
Flower essences and aromatherapy are an amazing combination for people needing help getting to sleep. In this formula Chamomile soothes the body's digestive system mentally (for those who just can't seem to stop chewing on the issues of the day) and physically which allows the potent relaxing properties of Spikenard to take effect. Do keep in mind, however, that this product is not a drug--it won't put you down the way a potent tranquilizer will. You'll need to use this twice a day over time for the healing properties to take effect.
Essential oils: Jasmine, Rosewood, Chamomile, Spikenard
For releasing tension and worry, and encouraging relaxation, tranquility and blissful sleep.
Flower Essences: Chamomile, Rock Water
For releasing into the flow of life, releasing tension, and relaxing rigidities while encouraging emotional balance and a peaceful state of mind.
Essential oils: Jasmine, Rosewood, Chamomile, Spikenard
For releasing tension and worry, and encouraging relaxation, tranquility and blissful sleep.
Flower Essences: Chamomile, Rock Water
For releasing into the flow of life, releasing tension, and relaxing rigidities while encouraging emotional balance and a peaceful state of mind.