Feng Shui Space Clearing Spray - Bailey Combinations

A special blend of flower essences and essential oils designed to clear negative energies and uplift your spirit. A quick spray into all four corners and the centre of a room will clear negative energies and make both you and the whole room feel much lighter and brighter. It was developed alongside our Stressbuster and can be used with the machine with excellent results. It contains the following ingredients in a base of spring water and vodka.

The bottle is 50ml

Flower Essences
Black Locust - Robinia pseudoacacia
For protection against negative outside influences, including psychic attack
Scarlet Pimpernel - Anagallis arvensis
For clearing negative energies within the person - particularly feeling of psychic dependence
Lichen - Marchantia polymorpha L.
To help us feel at ease and at one with our surroundings
White Cherry - Prunus taihaku
For cleansing. This essence helps past negative influences to loose their grip and be dissipated
Giant Bellflower - Campanula latifolia
The clarion call for change. It is the catalyst for action where old habits have been holding us back.

Essential Oils
Rose - for opening up to love of the universe
Lavender - for healing at many levels
Grapefruit - for energising and upliftment.