Vata is responsible for all Movement in the Body.
Vata is made up of the two elements space and air. It governs all movement in the mind and body. It controls blood flow, elimination of wastes, breathing and the movement of thoughts across the mind. Since Pitta and Kapha cannot move without it, Vata is considered the leader of the three Ayurvedic Principles in the body. It's very important to keep Vata in good balance.
Vata is considered the leader of the three dosha's. Vata governs all movement in the mind and body. It controls blood flow, elimination of wastes, breathing and the movement of thoughts across the mind. People of Vata constitution are generally physically underdeveloped. Their chests are flat and their veins and muscle tendons are visible. The complexion is brown; the skin is cold, rough, dry and cracked.
Vata people generally are either too tall or too short, with thin frames which reveal prominent joints and bone-ends because of poor muscle development. The hair is curly and scanty, the eyelashes are thin and the eyes lusterless. The eyes may be sunken, small, dry, and active. The nails are rough and brittle. The shape of the nose is bent and turned-up.
Created with:
Pepper Black Oil - (Piper Nigrum). From the fruit, middle note, spicy and sharp. Black Pepper was a rare and expensive essential until the 1500s when it was brought back by the Dutch from China. Used in India some 4,000 years ago, for urinary and liver complaints. Also used by the Greeks and Turks and in the middle ages by the Portuguese, French and Dutch. Stimulates the spleen, pancreatic secretions, paralysis and shakes. Stimulates the exocrine and endocrine systems. A powerful anti-spasmodic, indicated for thins out mucousy conditions, Strengthens and stimulates the mind. For People who are always cold inside, People who don't sweat enough and do not have enough general secretions, Old man, cranky and eccentric types. Contra-indications: Skin conditions such as eczema and conjunctivitis; Not to be used on varicose veins or haemorrhoids; Do not overuse as it can over stimulate the kidneys.
Basil Oil - (Ocimum Basilicum) Although basil originally comes from Africa, the plant is relatively easy to grow, flourishing in the areas around the Mediterranean in particular. There are several different varieties of the plant however much of the basil that is grown for essential oil production comes from Egypt. This variety of Basil contains a high Methyl Chavicol content which gives it a strong, sweet scent making it effective for use in the perfumery industry. In massage therapy, Basil is said to have anti-inflammatory properties and is used to alleviate tension and stress. Basil is prized in ayurvedic medicine for its ability to strengthen compassion, faith and bring clarity. The oil is thin, middle note and medium aroma. Sweet vaguely anise-like minty smoky odor. There are many rituals and beliefs associated with basil. The ancient Egyptians believed that it would open the gates of heaven for a person passing on European lore sometimes claims that basil is a symbol of evil. Cautions: Basil oil can be a skin irritant. It should be used in dilution, and avoided during pregnancy.
Lemon Pressed - (Citrus limon) The essential oil is extracted from the lemon's peel. It has strong, astringent, antiseptic, antimicrobial, and cleansing, and antioxidant properties. It is often used in cosmetics for its pleasant, invigorating fragrance. It is softening and deodorizing, and lightens pigmentation on the skin and hair. It also helps balance skin pH and repels insects. Lemon is said to foster love, longevity, purification, fidelity, and friendship.
Sweet Almond Oil - Cold pressed oil from the seed kernel of the Prunus communis dulcis tree. Wonderfully emollient, soothing and moisturizing, with a sweet, pleasant scent. High in oleic, linoleic and other fatty acids that are beneficial for the skin. Nondrying, and useful in the treatment of very dry skin. Almonds are said to impart good tidings related to money, prosperity, and wisdom.
Rosemary Spanish - Commonly known for its use in cooking, rosemary has a very long history of use for a variety of purposes. It is one of the oldest known incenses, and its name means "Dew of the sea". Rosemary also has wonderful applications in medicine and cosmetics. It has astringent, antioxidant, and cleansing properties, and it also stimulates circulation, improves mental clarity, soothes sore muscles, relieves congestion, and darkens and nourishes hair. Rosemary is known as the herb of remembrance, and also imparts protection, love, lust, purification, mental powers, healing, restful sleep, and longevity.
Indian Ajowan Essential Oil - (Trachyspermum copticum) It is an annual herbaceous, 30 -70 cm (1 -2 ft) in height, bearing feathery leaves and red flowers. An erect glabrous or minutely pubescent-branched annual. The stems are striate, the leaves are rather distant, 2-3 pinnately divided, the segments linear, is much valued for its anti spasmodic, stimulant, tonic, and carminative properties. It is a potent anti microbial agent, with strong aroma, spicy medicinal odor, much likes thyme. Also known as Bishop’s Weed, the essential oil of Ajowan has been traditionally used in India as an antiseptic and aromatic carminative. Its action and uses are similar to those of thymol. Ajowan is native to India, but is also cultivated in Iran, Egypt Pakistan and Afghanistan. Cautions: Use well diluted as it can cause skin irritation. Avoid during pregnancy. Disclaimer: Please note, the International Federation of Aromatherapists do not recommend that Essential Oils be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy.
The oils in the Vata Ayurvedic Body Oil are reputed to be stimulating and warming.
To be used as a body or massage oil.
Cautions: It is possible that this blend may cause sensitivities.
Ayur stands for life, and Veda stands for science. Ayurveda deals with The Science of Life. Originating from the India 5000 years ago, Ayurveda consists of three main elements Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, making up the human body. Known as doshas, each dosha governs an essential structure of the human body.
The Vata dosha is the most important of the three doshas. This is for two reasons. First, if Vata becomes imbalanced for long enough and sufficiently enough, it can also cause the other two doshas (Pitta or Kapha) to become imbalanced. It can even cause both Pitta and Kapha to become imbalanced; this is called a Tridoshic imbalance and is the most difficult to overcome. Secondly, Vata is the main driver or mover of the body, including the other two doshas, all the tissues (dhatus) and all of the waste products (malas).
Vata provides the following functions:
All eliminations: fetus, semen, feces, urine, sweat, and a few others
Assists with all the various metabolisms in the body (called Agni in Ayurveda)
Controls all of the various movement of body (both physical & mental),
including such things as respiration, heart beat, motivation and contraction of muscles
Relays all sensory input from the various sense organs to the brain
Vata Pacifying Program
Balance - Vata | Imbalance - Vata |
Follow a daily routine as regards to time of meals, number of meals, time to and from bed, exercise, relaxing | Never follow any routine, eat meals at different times, going to bed late (after 11:00 pm), sleep during the daytime |
Eat warm cooked meals that are a little oil, not dry | Eat raw vegetables, rice cakes, lots of beans, popcorn, soft drinks, chips, munching all the time, skip meals. |
Warm oil massage | Travel -especially by airplane |
Live in a warm and moist climate were you can get fresh air and sunshine | Live in a desert or high mountains where cold and wind increases the effect |
Wear clothing that is warm color such as red, orange, yellow or a calming color like green | Wear clothing that creates lightness in the body such as purple, blue and white |
For leisure time choose calming activities such as quiet walks in nature or parks | For leasure time do stimulating activities, amusement parks, discos, rock concert |
Vata Pacifying (reducing) Food List
Grains: White basmati rice, wheat, barley, rye,
amaranth, oats, quinoa
Vegetables: Juicy, sweet veggies are the best like
zucchini, asparagus, beets, carrots, cauliflower,
cilantro, cucumber, fennel, garlic, green beans,
green chilies, leeks, mustard greens, olives (black),
onions, parsnip, peas, sweet potatoes, sweet corn,
pumpkins, radishes(cooked), squashes, watercress
Legumes: Mung beans, aduki beans, red & yellow
dal, tur & urad dal, must be cooked properly.
Spices: Most spices are good for Vata; however, one
should avoid using hot, pungent, drying spices in
excess, cumin, coriander, fennel, tumeric, hing
Fruits: Sweet and sour tastes like grapes, grapefruit,
lemons, limes, oranges, pears, bananas, cherries,
dates, figs, apples (cooked), apricots, avocados,
berries, oranges
Dairy: Fresh whole milk, ghee, butter and soft cheeses.
Meats: Some meats are good for Vata like white meat
chicken and fish should be baked or broiled,
or chicken soup.
Nuts: All nuts, particularly almonds limited to two a day
Oils: Ghee, sesame, olive, peanut.
A strictly Vata pacifying diet is rarely used.
It is only for debilitated patients or conditions where
gaining weight is critically needed. A milder Vata diet
can be used by many where there is colder, drier climate
and when the season is fall or winter.