Children Bailey Essences & Combinations

Anger and Frustration - 10ml *

To balance and stabilise our fire energies so that we can take proper control of our lives.
Confusion - 10ml *

For when our lives are confused and we feel unable to see clearly what we should be doing.
Deep Red Peony *

Searches deep into our innermost being to discover our true spiritual destiny. It then gives us the courage to put that knowledge into actual practice
Fears - 10ml *

This essence helps us to let go of fears so that we can live in greater freedom.
Grief - 10ml *

This is very helpful for all cases of grief and anguish where there is deep distress.
Hairy Sedge - 10ml - Also in Earth Excess *

For those who worry and find it difficult to keep their minds in the present moment. This inattention can result in poor memory.
Insecurity - 10ml *

For all cases of insecurity.
Lily of the Valley - 10ml - Also in Wood Deficient *

For yearning. For those who have become blocked by desiring the unattainable.
Magnolia - 10ml - Also in Fire Excess *

For unconditional love. This essence helps to bring and awaken within us the energies of love and compassion.
Mediterranean Sage - 10ml - Also in Grounding Essence and Earth Excess *

For the Earth qualities of warmth, comfort and wisdom. Helps to catalyse insight from a firm earthed base.
Sadness and Loneliness - 10ml *

For those times when we need comfort, love and reassurance. Encourages new beginnings.
Self-Esteem - 10ml *

For those who feel disempowered, often dominated by others, and are unable to assert themselves in the world. Blocked-off self love.
Shock and Trauma - 10ml *

Essence of choice for sudden or long-term shock and trauma.
Tranquillity - 10ml *

Brings peace to the over-active mind. It helps to empower us by bringing us into the present moment.
Welsh Poppy - 10ml - Also in Dependency and Wood Deficient *

For those who have lost their fire and inspiration and become day-dreamers.