Pitta is responsible for all Metabolism in the Body.
Pitta is made up of the two elements fire and water. It governs all heat, metabolism and transformation in the mind and body. It controls how we digest foods, how we metabolize our sensory perceptions, and how we discriminate between right and wrong. Pitta governs the important digestive "Agnis" or fires of the body.
Ayur stands for life, and Veda stands for science. Ayurveda deals with The Science of Life. Originating from the India 5000 years ago, Ayurveda consists of three main elements Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, making up the human body. Known as doshas, each dosha governs an essential structure of the human body.
Whilst Kapha crowns the entire physical volume of the body, Pitta deals with the chemical processes occurring internally and Vata manages the external movement and activities. Working collectively, all three doshas aim to achieve equilibrium, equalizing to good health, happiness, glowing complexions, physical strength, and immunity. Ayurvedic oils and extracts aspire the workings of the doshas, with oils tailored to activate and boost the energies of each dosha.
Pitta means, "that which digests things." The elements that govern Pitta are fire and water. Think of Pitta as the body's fire or metabolism. Pitta people tend to be of medium proportion, with a structure that is neither small nor heavy. Their physical marker is a strong or athletic body. Skin is oily, soft, pale and warm. Their hair is predisposed towards premature graying or thinning. They have sharp teeth and sharp facial features with a pointed nose and penetrating eyes. They have a good appetite, strong digestive fire and their body temperature is higher than normal.
The Pitta dosha is associated with fire or heat. Wherever there is transformation, there is Pitta (doing its job). Whether it is in the GI tract, liver, skin, eyes or brain doesn't matter, for these are all locations where Pitta works.
Pitta provides the following functions:
Metabolism - at all the various levels
from digestion of food to transformation of all other material
Thermogenesis - maintains the proper body temperature
Vision - converts external images into optic nerve impulses
Appetite - the feeling of hunger and thirst
Comprehension - of information into knowledge, also reasoning and judgment
Courage & Braveness - to face the situation
Complexion - gives color and softness to skin

A Pitta Pacifying Program
Balance - Pitta | Imbalance - Pitta | |
Eat main meal at noon with the bulk of the food being Sweet, Astringent, Bitter in taste and slightly dry in texture. Make sure the food is pure and wholesome | Eat hot, spicy, oily food being mostly pungent, sour and salty in taste | |
Work in a cool, dry environment where you feel you are in control (such as your own business) | Work in the hot sun for long periods of time, in a job were you feel you have little control | |
Seek balance in all things, alternate hard work with leisure and rest | Being judgmental and overly critical | |
Decrease the use of stimulants. Use cooling bitter herbs like aloe vera, dandelion, gentian and cilantro | Use stimulants - alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarettes | |
Wear clothing that is warm color such as red, orange, yellow or a calming color like green | Wear clothing that creates lightness in the body such as purple, blue and white | |
For leisure time choose calming activities such as quiet walks in nature or parks | For leisure time do stimulating activities, amusement parks, discos, rock concert | |
Wear clothing made of natural fiber such as cotton or silk. The best colors are lighter colors like white, cream, blue, green and purple | Wear clothing that is bright red, yellow, orange or black | |
Take cool walks in the moonlight | Excessive heat like too much sun, hot tubs or saunas |
Pitta Pacifying (reducing)
- Food List -
Grains: White basmati rice, barley, corn, couscous,
oat bran, oats, wheat, wheat bran.
Vegetables: Bitter leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli,
cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms
in small amount, okra, onions (cooked in ghee), peas,
sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, sprouts,
squash, green beans, zucchini.
Legumes: Aduki beans, black beans, black-eyed peas,
chick peas (garbanzo beans), kidney beans, most other
beans, lentils, peas, soy products, must be cooked
properly, once or twice a week.
Spices: Cooling spices like cardamom, coriander seed,
cilantro leaves, fennel, fresh basil, dill, turmeric, small
amounts of cumin and fresh ginger.
Fruits: Sweet fruits such as apples, apricots, avocado,
berries, coconuts, dates, figs, grapes, sweet melons,
sweet oranges, plums, pomegranates.
Dairy: Most fresh dairy is good such as fresh ghee,
fresh whole milk(properly cooked).
Meats: Pittas are best suited with a vegetarian diet;
however, the following meats are the least aggravating:
chicken(white meat), turkey(white meat) which should
be baked or broiled.
Nuts: Few nuts, most are too oily and heating, sunflower
and almonds can be good in moderation.
Oils: Ghee, sunflower, olive, canola, small amounts of