Bloom Ayurvedic – Massage Oil – Pitta


Pitta is responsible for all Metabolism in the Body.

Pitta is made up of the two elements fire and water. It governs all heat, metabolism and transformation in the mind and body. It controls how we digest foods, how we metabolize our sensory perceptions, and how we discriminate between right and wrong. Pitta governs the important digestive "Agnis" or fires of the body.


Ayur stands for life, and Veda stands for science. Ayurveda deals with The Science of Life. Originating from the India 5000 years ago, Ayurveda consists of three main elements Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, making up the human body. Known as doshas, each dosha governs an essential structure of the human body.

Whilst Kapha crowns the entire physical volume of the body, Pitta deals with the chemical processes occurring internally and Vata manages the external movement and activities. Working collectively, all three doshas aim to achieve equilibrium, equalizing to good health, happiness, glowing complexions, physical strength, and immunity. Ayurvedic oils and extracts aspire the workings of the doshas, with oils tailored to activate and boost the energies of each dosha.

Pitta means, "that which digests things." The elements that govern Pitta are fire and water. Think of Pitta as the body's fire or metabolism. Pitta people tend to be of medium proportion, with a structure that is neither small nor heavy. Their physical marker is a strong or athletic body. Skin is oily, soft, pale and warm. Their hair is predisposed towards premature graying or thinning. They have sharp teeth and sharp facial features with a pointed nose and penetrating eyes. They have a good appetite, strong digestive fire and their body temperature is higher than normal.


The Pitta dosha is associated with fire or heat. Wherever there is transformation, there is Pitta (doing its job). Whether it is in the GI tract, liver, skin, eyes or brain doesn't matter, for these are all locations where Pitta works.

Pitta provides the following functions:

Metabolism - at all the various levels

from digestion of food to transformation of all other material

Thermogenesis - maintains the proper body temperature

Vision - converts external images into optic nerve impulses

Appetite - the feeling of hunger and thirst

Comprehension - of information into knowledge, also reasoning and judgment

Courage & Braveness - to face the situation

Complexion - gives color and softness to skin

Pain Relief - Ayurvedic Oils & Extracts

Cautions: It is possible that this blend may cause sensitivities.

The oils in the Pitta Ayurvedic Body Oil are reputed to be calming and soothing.

To be used as a body or massage oil.


Sweet Almond Oil - Cold pressed oil from the seed kernel of the Prunus communis dulcis tree. Wonderfully emollient, soothing and moisturizing, with a sweet, pleasant scent. High in oleic, linoleic and other fatty acids that are beneficial for the skin. Nondrying, and useful in the treatment of very dry skin. Almonds are said to impart good tidings related to money, prosperity, and wisdom.

Calendula Herbal - Also known as common Marigold (Calendula officinalis), calendula is wonderfully healing for all skin types, possessing anti-inflammatory, calming, wound healing, antioxidant, antiseptic, and freshening properties. It is common ingredient in salves and natural deodorants. Sometimes used as a natural pigment for red or blonde hair. Calendula is said to impart protection and to have a positive effect on prophetic dreams, legal matters, and psychic powers.

Lime Distilled - (Citrus aurantifolia) Fresh, sweet yet tart. Cheering and restorative, lime refreshes a tired mind. Antiseptic, anti-viral, antirheumatic, antiscorbutic, anticoagulant, aperitif, bactericidal, febrifuge, tonic-restorative. Congestion due to colds and spasms or inflammation are eased. Antiseptic and astringent it makes a great deodorant. Deodorant, astringent, eases inflammations; dermal irritant, phototoxic. Respiratory: cough, cold, congestion. Muscular tonic, spasms, inflammations. Anti-coagulant(MDR), aids cardiovascular disease (MDR). Immune: viral infections, colds, sore throat, flu. Helps apathy, anxiety, nervousness, depression, listlessness, refreshes tired mind, uplifting, cheering.

French Lavender - (Lavendula officinale, L. angustafolia) Lavender has a long history of use for its calmative and uplifting effects when smelled. The word lavender comes from the Latin lavare, meaning "to wash", and lavender has been used since ancient times to purify areas and cleanse the body. Lavender has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and is soothing and healing to the skin, making it a wonderful remedy for burns, wounds, and skin irritations. Lavender is said to impart love, protection, prosperity, happiness, purification, longevity, peace, chastity, and restful sleep.

Spearmint Extracts - (Mentha spicata) Minty, slightly fruity aroma that is less bright than peppermint. Possible Uses: Asthma, exhaustion, fever, flatulence, headache, nausea, scabies, vertigo.

German Chamomile Touch - (Matricaria recutita) A wonderful little daisy-like flower with a delightful scent that has been used by many cultures since ancient times. Internally, it is a mild sedative, and has a soothing effect on digestion. It is a wonderfully gentle herb, suitable even for children, as is often used to help treat colic. Externally, it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, softening, moisturizing, soothing, and skin healing effects. It helps to cleanse and tighten the pores of the skin and helps to strengthen tissues. Reputed to reduce swelling and pain in the skin and mucous membranes. Also used as a rinse to add golden highlights to light hair. Widely used in skin care as an herbal extract and for its beautiful blue essential oil called azulene. Chamomile is said to promote love, sleep, pleasant dreams, protection, purification, and good fortune in money matters.

Jojoba Oil - A liquid wax extracted from the beans of the desert shrub, Simmondsia Chinensis. Jojoba is a wonderful moisturizer for the skin, hair, and nails because it has absorption properties that are similar to our skins own sebum. Jojoba acts as a humectant, attracting moisture, and also creates a protective barrier on the skin and hair to keep moisture in. It nourishes and cleanses without drying, and is highly effective on dry, damaged skin and split ends. It can be used as a natural alternative to petroleum jelly.

Sandalwood East Indian Scent - (Santalum album) One of the oldest known perfumes, and incenses, sandalwood is thought to have been used for over 4000 years. The sandalwood tree takes 40 years to develop its wonderful fragrance, and has been highly revered as a sacred scent since ancient times. The essential oil is distilled from the inner wood of the tree, has relaxing, soothing, disinfectant, antiseptic, insect repellent, healing, and uplifting properties. It is wonderful for dry, aging, damaged, and irritated skin. Sandalwood is said to impart protection, healing, spirituality, peaceful meditation, and for making wishes come true.


A Pitta Pacifying Program

Before beginning to explain about how to reduce or pacify the Pitta dosha you may want to read about Tridoshas and Tridoshic Recipes if you have not already. Pitta is responsible for all type of transformations in the body and has the qualities of being: Hot, Sharp, Liquid and Oily. Therefore anything (food or lifestyle) that has those qualities will increase Pitta, because of the rule "Like increases Like." So most of us can benefit from "Cooling It", particularly in the hot summer months of June, July and August.

Factors that affect Pitta dosha

Balance - PittaImbalance - Pitta
Eat main meal at noon with the bulk of the food being Sweet, Astringent, Bitter in taste and slightly dry in texture. Make sure the food is pure and wholesomeEat hot, spicy, oily food being mostly pungent, sour and salty in taste
Work in a cool, dry environment where you feel you are in control (such as your own business)Work in the hot sun for long periods of time, in a job were you feel you have little control
Seek balance in all things, alternate hard work with leisure and restBeing judgmental and overly critical
Decrease the use of stimulants. Use cooling bitter herbs like aloe vera, dandelion, gentian and cilantroUse stimulants - alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarettes
Wear clothing that is warm color such as red, orange, yellow or a calming color like greenWear clothing that creates lightness in the body such as purple, blue and white
For leisure time choose calming activities such as quiet walks in nature or parksFor leisure time do stimulating activities, amusement parks, discos, rock concert
Wear clothing made of natural fiber such as cotton or silk. The best colors are lighter colors like white, cream, blue, green and purpleWear clothing that is bright red, yellow, orange or black
Take cool walks in the moonlightExcessive heat like too much sun, hot tubs or saunas

Pitta Pacifying (reducing)

- Food List -

Grains: White basmati rice, barley, corn, couscous, 
oat bran, oats, wheat, wheat bran.

Vegetables: Bitter leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, 
cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms 
in small amount, okra, onions (cooked in ghee), peas, 
sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, sprouts, 
squash, green beans, zucchini. 

Legumes: Aduki beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, 
chick peas (garbanzo beans), kidney beans, most other 
beans, lentils, peas, soy products, must be cooked 
properly, once or twice a week.

Spices: Cooling spices like cardamom, coriander seed, 
cilantro leaves, fennel, fresh basil, dill, turmeric, small 
amounts of cumin and fresh ginger.

Fruits: Sweet fruits such as apples, apricots, avocado, 
berries, coconuts, dates, figs, grapes, sweet melons, 
sweet oranges, plums, pomegranates.

Dairy: Most fresh dairy is good such as fresh ghee, 
fresh whole milk(properly cooked).

Meats: Pittas are best suited with a vegetarian diet; 
however, the following meats are the least aggravating: 
chicken(white meat), turkey(white meat) which should 
be baked or broiled. 

Nuts: Few nuts, most are too oily and heating, sunflower 
and almonds can be good in moderation.

Oils: Ghee, sunflower, olive, canola, small amounts of 