Siberian Spruce | (Picea omorica) | Yew | (Taxus baccata) | Nasturtium | (Tropaeolum majus) | Red Clover | (Trifolium pratense) | |
To achieve balance, the Yang qualities in a person need to fulfil several different criteria. The fundamental property of Yang is concerned with personal power. It is about being able to make one’s mark in the world. It is strong, steadfast and protective. These qualities are represented by Siberian Spruce.
The Yang energy can, however, become too rigid; it needs to be flexible yet strong. Without the ability to yield when necessary, Yang can make us domineering and dogmatic. This weakens us and makes us vulnerable to opposition. To give resilience and flexibility the essence of Yew is included. When we need to make adjustments in our view of the world there can be problems if the Yang element is dominant. “Male pride” is a typical reaction against accepting changes, even when those changes are wise and necessary. Nasturtium gives help and support during such times - Yang energy is much more vulnerable than its outgoing quality might suggest at first sight.
Because of this it needs to build bridges with the Yin energies within the being. This is vital for both men and women. It is essential that Yang becomes open to suggestions from the intuitive Yin, which normally offers a much broader picture of what is going on. Without such communication, there will be unease within the being and this will be reflected into the outside world as unease in relationships with other people. For this aspect of the Yin-Yang partnership, Red Clover is included.
The Yang composite is therefore intended to assist the growth and balance of Yang energies so that they serve, rather than dominate, the being.
Larch Alc | (Larix decidua) | Marigold | (Calendula officinalis) | Delphinium | (Delphinium consolida) | Honesty | (Lunaria annua) | |
| This essence comprises four flowers that mirror their counterparts in the Yang essence. The alcoholic extract of Larch is concerned with female power. It is about intuition, feeling for what is going on underneath the surface. It is concerned with knowing how things are. It is also about love and compassion and nurturing. In its purest form it represents the Earth Mother. But this energy needs to be balanced or intuition can be replaced with make-believe.
Where there are difficulties or fears in opening up the Yin, Marigold can be of great assistance in unblocking the power of the Yin energies and then supporting them. In unblocking the channels, it paves the way for Larch to build on secure foundations. Marigold is therefore the opening-up and underpinning essence of the Yin composite.
Without guidance, the Yin insight can be narrow and shortsighted. In this it is like the male Yang with its tendency to tunnel vision. Such selective insight can prove to be disastrous. We need to be able to see the whole picture. Delphinium is concerned with higher levels of insight and enables us to see things from a much wider perspective than might otherwise be the case.
The last essence is Honesty and this helps the Yin to form links with the Yang. In this it mirrors the Red Clover in the Yang essence. The Yin can feel very threatened by the self-assurance of the Yang way of looking at things. Intuition, whether in men or in women, is often subjugated because of the feeling that the self-assured Yang energy must somehow be right. This can happen repeatedly even though our inner beings know that the intuition is right. It is therefore vital that the Yin learns to understand the Yang but is not overwhelmed by its outgoing energy.
Yin & Yang Balance |
Larch Alc | (Larix decidua) | Delphinium | (Delphinium consolida) | Honesty | (Lunaria annua) | Siberian Spruce | (Picea omorica) | Nasturtium | (Tropaeolum majus) | Red Clover | (Trifolium pratense)
The concepts of Yin and Yang loosely equate to feminine and masculine, soft and hard, shadow and light, left and right, etc. They are polar opposites, yet each contains something of the other within it. In fact, they depend upon and support each other. Yin is primarily receptive and intuitive whilst Yang is primarily outgoing and logical. Each one on its own is lacking in balance. This composite essence helps to balance and stabilise these qualities bringing harmony and “dynamic stillness” to the being.
Larch epitomises the essence of Yin helping us to develop the intuitive side of our nature whilst not allowing logic to overcome this intuitive wisdom.
Honesty encourages that previously oppressed Yin energy to come to the fore, helping us to become open and receptive. Where Yin has been blocked, there are often difficulties due to fears and other subversive energies.
Delphinium helps us to open up to the full depths and mysteries of our intuitive nature. Blocks often occur at these levels as the ego knows that its very existence is threatened by opening up to such infinite wisdom.
Siberian Spruce has very Yang qualities. It mirrors the outgoing and assertive characteristics that are needed if we are to find and succeed in following our true path in the world. Without this quality we can easily become frustrated and dominated by the energies of others.
Red Clover helps the dominant Yang energies become sensitive to the support which is available from the Yin side of our nature. The logical aspect of Yang can all too easily become fearful of the innate non-logical wisdom of Yin. Red Clover helps Yang to understand that Yin is an equal but supportive companion and not to be feared.
Nasturtium is a catalyst for Yin/Yang balance changes. Many people have difficulty in maintaining an easy dynamic balance between Yin and Yang. In life we need to be able to shift easily between the two polarities as circumstances change around us. Nasturtium helps to energise such freedom of movement. |
The Combinations above are part of
Bailey Acupuncture Set.