Bloom Apothecary Rise & Up! Spray Remedy

Bloom Apothecary Rise & Up! Spray Remedy is a uplifting in your feelings. A Formula full of Energy and good vibes. Happiness and vitality. Belief, enthusiasm and more interest in life.

A blend of English Flower Remedies and Aromatherapy essential Oils:

Rosewood - This aroma is especially pleasing and uplifting. It has a sweet, woodsy aroma with a tea-like note. The oil is found in many spiritual and emotionally uplifting aromatherapy blends, such as our Virya blend, and works well in a diffuser to create a warm and happy atmosphere.

Frankincense - Rejuvenating, balancing and relaxing. Extracted from the small bush native to Africa, Frankincense essential oil has a beautiful fragrance which has been used in religious ceremonies and as an aid to meditation for over 2000 years. The action of Frankincense could best be described as deeply relaxing whilst uplifting the spirit. Of particular value in skincare because it has exceptional rejuvenative properties.

Lemon - Antiseptic, revitalising and uplifting. The delightfully fresh citrus aroma of Lemon essential oil helps keep the mind clear and alert and is highly beneficial in skincare for oily and teenage complexions. Use it in massage or add a few drops to a bath to help maintain a healthy immune system.

Sandalwood - Relaxing, sensual and soothing. The perfect moisturising oil to use in skin care for all types of skin, and it is especially nourishing to dry or mature skin. This sensual woody fragrance of Sandalwood is wonderfully relaxing and soothing, helping settle the emotions and still the mind. It is also an effective inhalant oil.

Chicory - For those who are over-involved with and possessive of family and close friends and impose their own standards on those they love. Teaches unconditional love.

Water Violet - For those who are independent, loners, sometimes proud and aloof. This essence teaches them to interact with others without sacrificing their independence.


Be Happy!!! Go ahead!

Never, ever, never give up!
