Self-Empowerment, Insight and Intuition Bailey Essences & Combinations

Almond - 10ml *

The supportive inner teacher, the guide. Forms links with our soul and encourages intuition.
Anger and Frustration - 10ml *

To balance and stabilise our fire energies so that we can take proper control of our lives.
Bog Asphodel - 10ml - Also in Earth Deficient *

For the willing slave - those who help others yet frequently ignore their own needs.
Cellular Memory *

Cellular memories can give rise to deeply entrenched behaviour patterns that can dominate our lives. This essence helps to lift those blocks.
Confusion - 10ml *

For when our lives are confused and we feel unable to see clearly what we should be doing.
Deep Red Peony *

Searches deep into our innermost being to discover our true spiritual destiny. It then gives us the courage to put that knowledge into actual practice
Dependency - 10ml *

For those who have a dependency on a substance, person or situation
Fears - 10ml *

This essence helps us to let go of fears so that we can live in greater freedom.
Liberation - 10ml *

To dissolve our emotional attachment to objects, events and people.
Meadow Rue - 10ml *

For discerning what is worth striving for in life and what is unhealthy. Brings clarity to see where we need to be heading to fulfil our true purpose in life.
Sacred Lotus - 10ml - Also in Fire Deficient *

A powerful essence to open up the Heart to the love of the Universe and the Divine.
Self-Esteem - 10ml *

For those who feel disempowered, often dominated by others, and are unable to assert themselves in the world. Blocked-off self love.
Spring Squill - 10ml - also in Transition and Wood Deficient *

For freedom after breakthrough. Helps us to soar like a bird, finding our own true path in limitless space.
Transition - 10ml *

For when there are major changes in life, when the past needs to make way for the new.
Unification - 10ml *

This helps to unify the mind-body-spirit, helping us to break free of previous restricting beliefs and patterns.
Yin/Yang Balancer - 10ml *

To balance the essential male and female, Yang/Yin qualities within each person.