Losing a baby is a parents' worst nightmare and it can be hard on a family. There is a lot of trauma, disappointment and guilt involved. No matter in which part of our pregnancy we lose a baby, it is devastating. Bach Flower Essences can help us deal with the emotions so that we can keep going with our life and have peace with our "Little Angel in Heaven."
Star of Bethlehem: This Essence helps us deal with the trauma, devastation and disappointment of losing a baby at any stage of pregnancy. Losing a baby is a terrible experience and the grief can cause us to be numbed and withdraw. Star of Bethlehem helps us neutralize the effect of the trauma and it helps us to recuperate.
Gorse: This Essence helps us when we feel extreme hopelessness and despair. There are times where things seems too hopeless and we have given up the fight. Gorse gives us a sense of faith and hope.
Walnut: This Essence helps us adjust to a life without our baby.
Pine: This Essence helps us when we feel guilt. We blame ourselves for the loss of our baby even if there was nothing anybody could do to prevent the miscarriage, we blame ourselves for staying out late or for taking out the garbage. Pine helps us be realistic and not blame ourselves unnecessarily.
Willow: This Essence helps us when we feel bitterness and self-pity. We tell ourselves "I don't deserve this. Why should this happen to me?" our grief has turned into resentment and self-pity, we feel that life has been unfair to us and we are not able to move forward and have lost faith. Willow helps us regain faith and optimism and we will once more be able to enjoy life.
Sweet Chestnut: This Essence helps us when we feel that we have reached the limit of our endurance, we feel intense sorrow and feel almost destroyed. We feel that the future is utterly hopeless. Sweet Chestnut helps us regain optimism and faith in a higher power and gives us a sense of inner support.
Cherry Plum: This Essence helps us when we are on the verge of breakdown, we are in deep despair and feel that we are going to lose our sanity. A miscarriage can be so devastating that we feel it is more than we possibly can handle, we might be hysterical or exploding in sudden rage. Cherry Plum helps us to be calm and think and act rationally.
Have Faith!!!