Zinnia - Creature Comforter Essences

(Zinnia elegans)

To who feels so serious, introverted, solemn. Overly somber sense of Self, repressed inner child. Workaholic.

Positive qualities:
Childlike humor and playfulness; experiencing the joyful inner child, lightheartedness, detached perspective on Self.
Patterns of imbalance:
Overseriousness, dullness, heaviness, lack of humor; overly somber sense of Self, repressed inner child.

About Zinnia flower essence - Humor is uniquely human. Other forms of life certainly experience joy and delight, but humor requires the ability to step outside oneself, and not take oneself so seriously. It is the human being, with its pronounced sense of Self, who has developed and very much needs the soul quality of humor. The capacity to laugh at one’s self, or to be “light-hearted”, is quite literally a necessary balance to the somber heaviness of self-consciousness.

Zinnia flower essence is a most wonderful remedy for this state of the soul, helping the Self to contact its inner child. Every child is born with the innate capacity to laugh and play, to enter life with the full exuberance of the winged soul. The adult ego all too often stifles and suppresses this part of the Self. This flower essence remedy is clearly indicated for those who are overly grave and earnest, who take themselves and life too seriously, or who tend toward workaholism or other forms of unbalanced intensity.

The message of the Zinnia flower essence is not that one’s life should be frivolous or irresponsible, but rather that qualities of playfulness and laughter can be brought to one’s work and daily responsibilities. Zinnia flower essence brings the soul quality of humor to one’s humanness, teaching that the soul who is in “good spirits” is truly on a balanced spiritual path.

- from the "Flower Essence Repertory", by Patricia Kaminsky and Richard Katz. The most comprehensive and user-friendly flower essence book we've found. Highly recommended for any practitioner.

Humor in Everyday Life
Humor is uniquely human. Other forms of life certainly experience joy and delight, but humor requires the ability to step outside oneself, and not take oneself so seriously. It is the human being, with its pronounced sense of Self, who has developed and very much needs the soul quality of humor. The capacity to laugh at one's self, or to be "light-hearted," is quite literally a necessary balance to the somber heaviness of self-consciousness. Zinnia is a most wonderful remedy for this state of soul, helping the Self to contact its inner child. Every child is born with the innate capacity to laugh and play, to enter into life with the full exuberance of the winged soul. The adult ego all too often stifles and suppresses this part of the Self.

This remedy is clearly indicated for those who are overly grave and earnest, who take themselves and life too seriously, or who tend toward workaholism or other forms of unbalanced intensity. The message of the Zinnia is not that one's life should be frivolous or irresponsible, but rather that qualifies of playfulness and laughter can be brought to one's work and daily responsibilities. Zinnia flower essence brings the soul quality of humor to one's humanness, teaching that the soul who is in "good spirits" is truly on a balanced spiritual path.