For protection from outside influences. Helps people to remain true to themselves during periods of transition. Objectivity and freedom of perspectives.
Positive qualities:
Freedom from limiting influences, making healthy transitions in life, courage to follow ones own path and destiny.
Patterns of imbalance:
Overly influenced by the beliefs and values of family or community, or by past experiences.
Walnut flower essence - The human soul is akin to the plant in its patterns of growth. It grows slowly, almost imperceptibly from day to day, but there are moments when it makes radical, metamorphic changes, moving beyond its current form to something utterly new. Thus the plant transforms from root, to shoot, to leaf, to flower, to fruit, to seed. Walnut flower essence is an important remedy for times of great life transition; it assists the soul in making metamorphic change.
This flower essence is indicated for those life passages when the Soul must be completely and irrevocably transformed in order to continue its evolution. At these moments, the soul must be unwavering in its sense of inner purpose and conviction. If the mind experiences doubt or confusion, the progress of the Self is impeded, if not imperiled. Walnut flower essence is particularly helpful for those who may be easily influenced by family ties, community mores, social conventions, strong personalities, or past habits, and who are unable to muster the strength to make a break with the past and with the ideas of others.
It is especially powerful in the mental field, helping to dispel any enchantment, illusion, or spell which may bind the soul to the past. This remedy can be broadly applied and is valuable for all life transitions including birth and death, moving, career changes, and enduring or beginning relationships. Walnut flower essence helps the soul to perceive and follow its true Star of Destiny.
- from the "Flower Essence Repertory", by Patricia Kaminsky and Richard Katz. The most comprehensive and user-friendly flower essence book we've found. Highly recommended for any practitioner.