Practitioner Boxed Set of 101 Single Bailey Essences

The practitioner set of 101 Bailey Essences is designed for people who prefer to work with individual single essences rather than composites. This set includes all the single essences that are available in the standard set, plus the 55 essences that make up the composite essences, plus two extra essences not yet included in the standard set.

They are presented in six green boxes, each of which holds 20 essences. The picture shows a box of single essences.

The boxes are wrapped in brown paper and are posted in a cardboard box with biodegradable packaging.

For details of all the essences in the practitioner set, please refer to the A-Z listing which has full details of all the essences.

All bottles are 10ml and safety sealed.

(A) - alcohol extractions
(ARB) - arborivital method
(B) - boiling
(M) - moon method
All other essences are prepared by the sun method
(F) - fruit
(L) - leaf
(P) - whole plant is needed
(S) - from seed
All other essences are made from flowers
* - These essences are part of the standard full set

Algerian Iris - 10ml image
Algerian Iris - 10ml *

Makes us less susceptible to getting sexually involved in relationships that are inherently flawed.
Almond - 10ml image
Almond - 10ml *

The supportive inner teacher, the guide. Forms links with our soul and encourages intuition.
Flower image
Anger and Frustration - 10ml *

To balance and stabilise our fire energies so that we can take proper control of our lives.
Apricot Poppy - 10ml image
Apricot Poppy - 10ml - also in Dependency

Brings beauty to barren areas of our lives. Its soft quiet persistence is what we need to survive upheaval and trauma.
Arizona Fir - 10ml image
Arizona Fir - 10ml - (A) *

To help us to celebrate life and existence as spiritually based beings.
Betony  - 10ml image
Betony - 10ml - also in Fears and Water Deficient

For fears that are hidden in the subconscious mind, including apparently irrational fears.
Bistort - 10ml  image
Bistort - 10ml - (A) - also in Transition and Metal Deficient *

To provide loving support at times of major change in our lives.
Black Locust - 10ml image
Black Locust - 10ml - Also in Protection & Clearing *

For protection against the negative influences of other people, including psychic attack.
Blackthorn - 10ml  image
Blackthorn - 10ml - also in Depression and Despair and Metal Excess

The remedy for the depths of despair - the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
Bladder Senna - 10ml image
Bladder Senna - 10ml - Also in Earth Excess and Water Deficient *

For escaping from feelings of guilt and being unworthy, brought about by judging ourselves far too harshly. It brings compassionate understanding of our past actions.
Blue Pimpernel - 10ml image
Blue Pimpernel - 10ml *

Rediscovering our spiritual nature whilst growing up in a superficially material world.
Bluebell  - 10ml image
Bluebell - 10ml - also in Depression and Despair and Fire Excess

Where there has been depression, when one feels to be falling apart inside.
Bog Asphodel - 10ml image
Bog Asphodel - 10ml - Also in Earth Deficient *

For the willing slave - those who help others yet frequently ignore their own needs.
Bracken Alc - 10ml  image
Bracken Alc - 10ml - (A) (L) - also in Childhood and Metal Deficient

Where there has been a habitual playing of the child role in life.
Bracken Aqueous - 10ml  image
Bracken Aqueous - 10ml - (L) - Also in Metal Excess *

For when intuitive sensitivity was blocked in childhood, resulting in a fear of the intuitive side of one’s nature.
Butterbur - 10ml  image
Butterbur - 10ml - also in Insecurity and Self-Esteem

For blocked-off self-love, and not realising one's own inherent goodness.
Buttercup - 10ml image
Buttercup - 10ml - Also in Fire Deficient *

For those who find it difficult to let the sunshine into their lives. Helps one to let go of embittered feelings.
Flower image
Cellular Memory *

Cellular memories can give rise to deeply entrenched behaviour patterns that can dominate our lives. This essence helps to lift those blocks.
Charlock - 10ml  image
Charlock - 10ml - also in Childhood and Metal Deficient

For the Peter Pans of this world who cling to childhood states. They want to be liked and so often become habitual victims.
Flower image
Childhood - 10ml *

Helps to free energies that have been blocked since childhood. For those locked in childhood patterns.
Compact Rush  - 10ml image
Compact Rush - 10ml - also in Sadness and Loneliness and Water Deficient

For lack of fulfilment, life seeming to pass one by. This essence assists new beginnings, new energies and new insights.
Flower image
Confusion - 10ml *

For when our lives are confused and we feel unable to see clearly what we should be doing.
Conifer Mazegill - 10ml image
Conifer Mazegill - 10ml *

For sudden, irrevocable changes to our life. Continually activates energies of positive change.
Cymbidium Orchid - 10ml  image
Cymbidium Orchid - 10ml - (M) - Also in Metal Excess *

Relates to the hidden side of our nature, brings peace and harmony to the subconscious parts of our mind.
Cyprus Rock Rose - 10ml image
Cyprus Rock Rose - 10ml - Also in Water Deficient *

For deep terrors and fears that are difficult to expose and resolve. More powerful and deeper-acting than common Rock Rose.
Deep Red Peony image
Deep Red Peony *

Searches deep into our innermost being to discover our true spiritual destiny. It then gives us the courage to put that knowledge into actual practice
Delphinium - 10ml  image
Delphinium - 10ml - also in Yin and Yin/Yang Balancer

Catalyses the opening up of our intuitive faculties.
Flower image
Dependency - 10ml *

For those who have a dependency on a substance, person or situation.
Flower image
Depression and Despair - 10ml *

For those times when we become locked in negative thought patterns, including the depths of despair.
Dog Rose - 10ml  image
Dog Rose - 10ml - also in Grief, Sadness and Loneliness and Earth Excess

For loving comfort and support, for help along our path when life gets difficult.
Double Snowdrop - 10ml  image
Double Snowdrop - 10ml - also in Stuck in a Rut

For when there are frozen attitudes and approaches to life. This remedy brings openness, a lighter touch.
Dwarf Purple Vetch - 10ml image
Dwarf Purple Vetch - 10ml - Also in Water Excess *

For deep-rooted, hidden patterns usually originating in childhood and often resulting in sexual difficulties.
Early Purple Orchid - 10ml image
Early Purple Orchid - 10ml - Also in Grounding Essence and Energy Liberator *

For unblocking the energy centres in the body and protecting any vulnerable spaces so created.
Earth Deficient - 10ml image
Earth Deficient - 10ml

For when the Earth element is deficient. Part of the Acupuncture Set
Earth Excess - 10ml image
Earth Excess - 10ml

For when the Earth element is in excess. Part of the Acupuncture Set
Flower image
Energy Liberator - 10ml

To help free up energies that have been blocked by difficulties in the past.
Flower image
Fears - 10ml *

This essence helps us to let go of fears so that we can live in greater freedom.
Fire Deficient - 10ml image
Fire Deficient - 10ml

For when the Fire element is deficient. Part of Acupuncture Set
Fire Excess - 10ml image
Fire Excess - 10ml

For when the Fire element is in excess. Part of Acupuncture Set
Firethorn - 10ml  image
Firethorn - 10ml - (A) (F) - also in Anger and Frustration and Fire Excess

This remedy is concerned with balancing up the fire energy within a person. This unbalance can be due to long-suppressed emotions.
Flame Azalea - 10ml image
Flame Azalea - 10ml *

Helps us to regain our vital life force and sense of community after major changes in life.
Flowering Currant - 10ml  image
Flowering Currant - 10ml - also in Depression and Despair and Water Excess

For those who have lost heart but still keep going. Often they feel that they are facing inevitable defeat.
Forsythia - 10ml  image
Forsythia - 10ml - also in Unification

Forsythia helps us open up to our spiritual nature, bringing joy and a sense of freedom in that realisation.
Foxglove - 10ml  image
Foxglove - 10ml - also in Confusion

For those who feel confused in life and suffer from woolly thinking. Foxglove helps to bring the needed stillness of the mind.
Fuji Cherry - 10ml  image
Fuji Cherry - 10ml - also in Tranquillity and Water Excess

Helps us to relax and take life less seriously. The key essence for personal tranquillity.
Giant Bellflower - 10ml image
Giant Bellflower - 10ml - also in Cellular Memory *

The clarion call for change. It is the catalyst for action where old habit patterns have been holding us back.
Greater Celandine - 10ml  image
Greater Celandine - 10ml - also in Fears

Encourages us to go deeper into our consciousness - to discover more of what we really are.
Flower image
Grief - 10ml *

This is very helpful for all cases of grief and anguish where there is deep distress.
Flower image
Grounding Essence - 10ml *

Keeps one firmly grounded in the present and stops the feeling of being spaced out.
Hairy Sedge - 10ml image
Hairy Sedge - 10ml - Also in Earth Excess *

For those who worry and find it difficult to keep their minds in the present moment. This inattention can result in poor memory.
Hawkweed - 10ml  image
Hawkweed - 10ml - also in Depression and Despair

For those times when we have little confidence in ourselves because life seems to be so uncertain.
Heath Bedstraw - 10ml  image
Heath Bedstraw - 10ml - also in Tranquillity and Fire Deficient

For helping us to find inner stillness and the peace of tranquil meditation states.
Himalayan Blue Poppy - 10ml  image
Himalayan Blue Poppy - 10ml *

The essence of spiritual lineage. To fulfill our potential in this lifetime, we need to build on strengths gained in the past. Furthers insight and psychic skills.
Holly Leaf - 10ml  image
Holly Leaf - 10ml - (A) (L) - also in Anger and Frustration and Earth Deficient

Helps us to see things as they really are and therefore to let go of pent-up anger and bitterness.
Honesty - 10ml  image
Honesty - 10ml - also in Yin and Yin/Yang Balancer

For bringing openness and receptivity where previously there were subversive negative characteristics.
Honeysuckle - 10ml image
Honeysuckle - 10ml - also in Sadness and Loneliness

Helps us to become more open to the world and those around us.
Indian Balsam - 10ml  image
Indian Balsam - 10ml - also in Obsession and Metal Deficient

Brings quietness and peace to an overactive and disturbed mind.
Flower image
Insecurity - 10ml *

For all cases of insecurity
Ivy - 10ml  image
Ivy - 10ml - (A) (L) - also in Grounding Essence, Shock and Trauma and Earth Deficient

Helps us to be strongly rooted in the world when we feel uprooted by the forces around us.
Larch - 10ml  image
Larch - 10ml - (A) - also in Yin and Yin/Yang Balancer

Encourages the intuitive side of our nature to expand and take its rightful place in our life.
Leopardsbane - 10ml image
Leopardsbane - 10ml - Also in Wood Excess *

For those who are at a major change point in their lives. They may feel as if they are living on a knife edge.
Lesser Stitchwort - 10ml  image
Lesser Stitchwort - 10ml - also in Liberation

For possession, ie for those whose behaviour is dominated by others or by strongly held ideas.
Flower image
Liberation - 10ml *

To dissolve our emotional attachment to objects, events and people.
Lichen - 10ml image
Lichen - 10ml - also in Protection & Clearing and Earth Excess

To help us feel at ease and at one with our surroundings.
Lilac - 10ml image
Lilac - 10ml - Also in Wood Deficient *

For those whose personal development has been stunted by dominant influences, usually in childhood or adolescence.
Lily of the Valley - 10ml image
Lily of the Valley - 10ml - Also in Wood Deficient *

For yearning. For those who have become blocked by desiring the unattainable.
Magnolia - 10ml image
Magnolia - 10ml - Also in Fire Excess *

For unconditional love. This essence helps to bring and awaken within us the energies of love and compassion.
Mahonia - 10ml image
Mahonia - 10ml - also in Fears

Helps us to let go of our illusions and thus see into the true nature of things.
Marigold - 10ml image
Marigold - 10ml - also in Yin

For where there is a rigid materialistic approach to life, often with a total denial of the psychic and spiritual dimensions.
Marsh Thistle - 10ml  image
Marsh Thistle - 10ml - also in Stuck in a Rut

The remedy for those locked in the past. For those who cling on to old outmoded patterns of thought and behaviour.
Meadow Rue - 10ml image
Meadow Rue - 10ml *

For discerning what is worth striving for in life and what is unhealthy. Brings clarity to see where we need to be heading to fulfil our true purpose in life.
Mediterranean Sage - 10ml image
Mediterranean Sage - 10ml - Also in Grounding Essence and Earth Excess *

For the Earth qualities of warmth, comfort and wisdom. Helps to catalyse insight from a firm earthed base.
Metal Deficient - 10ml image
Metal Deficient - 10ml

For when the Metal element is deficient. Part of Acupuncture Set
Metal Excess - 10ml image
Metal Excess - 10ml

For when the Metal element is in excess. Part of the Acupuncture Set
Milk Thistle - 10ml image
Milk Thistle - 10ml - Also in Earth Deficient *

This remedy if for those who do not love themselves. Often they try to make up for this by trying to please others.
Monkshood - 10ml image
Monkshood - 10ml - Also in Energy Liberator *

For difficulties of long standing that have their roots in the distant past. Helps to bring one up-to-date.
Moss - 10ml  image
Moss - 10ml - (A) (P) - also in Insecurity and Self-Esteem

For those who fear freedom and lightness in their lives. Often a fear of dark spaces within the being.
Nasturtium - 10ml  image
Nasturtium - 10ml - also in Yang, Yin/Yang Balancer and Wood Excess

For those who know that they need to make changes in their life but seem to be unable to make the first move.
Norway Maple - 10ml  image
Norway Maple - 10ml - also in Unification

Helps us understand more about our true nature, freeing up our mind so that we can more easily enter other levels of consciousness.
Oak - 10ml  image
Oak - 10ml - (A) - also in Confusion, Unification and Wood Deficient

Mirrors quiet inner strength and wisdom. It helps us to relax and find our own strengths.
Flower image
Obsession - 10ml *

For when a particular thought just keeps going round and round and will not go away. The mouse on the treadmill type of feeling.
Oriental Poppy - 10ml image
Oriental Poppy - 10ml - also in Dependency

For those who have a dependency on a substance, person or situation.
Oxalis - 10ml image
Oxalis - 10ml - Also in Fire Deficient *

For things that have you by the throat and seem so overpowering that there appears to be no way out.
Pine Cones - 10ml  image
Pine Cones - 10ml - (A) (F) - also in Self-Esteem

For those who are trapped by the authoritarian powers of others, and feel unable to escape from them.
Pink Purslane - 10ml image
Pink Purslane - 10ml - also in Cellular Memory

For those needing to expand their horizons and leave behind the limitations of the past.
Flower image
Protection and Clearing - 10ml *

Helps to protect one from negative influences whilst uplifting ones spirit at the same time.
Ragwort - 10ml  image
Ragwort - 10ml - also in Obsession and Metal Deficient

To break the power of obsessive thoughts that keep on endlessly looping round and round.
Red Clover - 10ml  image
Red Clover - 10ml - also in Yang and Yin/Yang Balancer

For those who are blocked off by fear of their own emotional nature.
Red Frangipani - 10ml image
Red Frangipani - 10ml - Also in Cellular Memory *

The essence of awakening. Re-unites us with the true source of our being which lies beyond the spiritual dimension. Brings joy and new levels of perception and confidence.
Red Poppy - 10ml   image
Red Poppy - 10ml - also in Anger and Frustration, Dependency and Wood Excess

This is to help us leave our limitations behind and to find our true energy and power.
Rhododendron - 10ml  image
Rhododendron - 10ml - also in Stuck in a Rut

For those who lack flexibility and keep trying to push through blind alleys.
Rosebay Willowherb - 10ml  image
Rosebay Willowherb - 10ml - also in Confusion

For times of major upheaval when we feel disoriented and lost.
Round-headed Leek - 10ml image
Round-headed Leek - 10ml - also in Childhood

For unknown difficulties stemming from childhood, particularly when other essences have been ineffective.
Sacred Lotus - 10ml image
Sacred Lotus - 10ml - Also in Fire Deficient *

A powerful essence to open up the Heart to the love of the Universe and the Divine.
Flower image
Sadness and Loneliness - 10ml *

For those times when we need comfort, love and reassurance. Encourages new beginnings.
Scabious - 10ml  image
Scabious - 10ml - also in Shock and Trauma

For healing us when we need gentleness and quiet support.
Scarlet Pimpernel - 10ml  image
Scarlet Pimpernel - 10ml - also in Liberation, Protection and Clearing and Wood Excess

For those who are emotionally trapped by others, often with a psychic dependence.
Sea Campion - 10ml image
Sea Campion - 10ml - also in Insecurity and Fire Excess

For separation in early childhood and its consequent insecurity and fears. Stimulates loving, protective energies.
Flower image
Self-Esteem - 10ml *

For those who feel disempowered, often dominated by others, and are unable to assert themselves in the world. Blocked-off self love.
Sheeps Sorrel - 10ml  image
Sheeps Sorrel - 10ml - also in Grief

For the bitterness that arises when we feel that life is being desperately unfair to us.
Flower image
Shock and Trauma - 10ml *

Essence of choice for sudden or long-term shock and trauma
Siberian Spruce - 10ml  image
Siberian Spruce - 10ml - (A) (F) - also in Yang and Yin/Yang Balancer

This remedy is for those whose male energy is lacking, producing frustration and a lack of clarity.
Single Snowdrop - 10ml image
Single Snowdrop - 10ml - also in Transition

For breaking through to new levels of consciousness. Helps to bring insight and support during such times.
Soapwort - 10ml  image
Soapwort - 10ml - also in Confusion and Wood Deficient

For use where there is bewilderment and lack of vision. For the What the hell am I doing here? type of feeling.
Solomons Seal - 10ml image
Solomons Seal - 10ml *

For the busy mind. This remedy helps bring quietness and detachment.
Speedwell - 10ml image
Speedwell - 10ml - also in Unification

Increases powers of insight whilst preventing us from becoming emotionally entangled with what we perceive.
Spotted Orchid - 10ml image
Spotted Orchid - 10ml *

To help us to overcome difficulties and blocks on our path of personal growth.
Spring Squill - 10ml  image
Spring Squill - 10ml - also in Transition and Wood Deficient *

For freedom after breakthrough. Helps us to soar like a bird, finding our own true path in limitless space.
Star of Bethlehem - 10ml  image
Star of Bethlehem - 10ml - also in Grounding Essence and Shock and Trauma

This is the key essence for reducing the effects of shock and trauma to the whole system.
Flower image
Stuck in a Rut - 10ml *

For use when we feel stagnated or trapped by the circumstances surrounding us.
Sumach - 10ml  image
Sumach - 10ml - (A) (L) - also in Stuck in a Rut

For those who ignore their own potentials for fear of loss of their old identities.
Thrift - 10ml image
Thrift - 10ml *

For helping to open up to psychic sensitivity but keeping the person firmly grounded at the same time.
Trailing St Johns Wort - 10ml  image
Trailing St Johns Wort - 10ml - also in Grief

For helping us when our life has been irrevocably changed.
Flower image
Tranquillity - 10ml *

Brings peace to the over-active mind. It helps to empower us by bringing us into the present moment.
Flower image
Transition - 10ml *

For when there are major changes in life, when the past needs to make way for the new.
Tree Mallow - 10ml image
Tree Mallow - 10ml - also in Tranquillity

For those who have become addicted to being permanently busy.
Tufted Vetch - 10ml image
Tufted Vetch - 10ml *

For sexual difficulties caused by an incorrect sexual self-image - usually due to childhood conditioning.
Flower image
Unification - 10ml *

This helps to unify the mind-body-spirit, helping us to break free of previous restricting beliefs and patterns.
Valerian - 10ml  image
Valerian - 10ml - also in Childhood

For those who have not had their need for love fulfilled in their childhood.
Water Deficient - 10ml image
Water Deficient - 10ml

For when the Water element is deficient. Part of the Acupuncture Set.
Water Excess - 10ml image
Water Excess - 10ml

For when the Water element is in excess. Part of the Acupuncture Set.
Welsh Poppy - 10ml image
Welsh Poppy - 10ml - Also in Dependency and Wood Deficient *

For those who have lost their fire and inspiration and become day-dreamers.
White Cherry - 10ml image
White Cherry - 10ml - also in Protection & Clearing

This essence helps past negative influences to lose their grip and be dissipated.
White Dead Nettle - 10ml  image
White Dead Nettle - 10ml - also in Obsession

For removing the addictive effects of obsessive thought patterns.
White Lotus - 10ml image
White Lotus - 10ml - Also in Water Excess *

For bringing peace and unification to body, spirit, mind and soul.
Wild Mallow - 10ml  image
Wild Mallow - 10ml - also in Liberation

For helping to free us from energies that otherwise tend to possess us.
Witch Hazel - 10ml  image
Witch Hazel - 10ml - also in Self-Esteem

For those who sacrifice themselves in trying to live up to the expectations of others.
Wood Anemone - 10ml image
Wood Anemone - 10ml - Also in Cellular Memory and Energy Liberator *

For use where there are very old difficulties - genetic or karmic.
Wood Deficient - 10ml image
Wood Deficient - 10ml

For when the Wood element is deficient. Part of the Acupuncture Set
Wood Excess - 10ml image
Wood Excess - 10ml

For when the Wood element is in excess. Part of the Acupuncture Set
Flower image
Yang - 10ml

Helps to build the outgoing male power whilst bringing stronger links with the intuitive Yin aspects of the personality.
Yew - 10ml  image
Yew - 10ml - (A) (L) (F) - also in Yang

For resilience where previously the person has been too brittle - not bowing to the inevitable.
Flower image
Yin - 10ml

The counterpart of the Yang essence, this builds the intuitive wisdom aspects of the personality whilst keeping both feet firmly on the ground.
Flower image
Yin/Yang Balancer - 10ml *

To balance the essential male and female, Yang/Yin qualities within each person
Yorkshire Fog - 10ml image
Yorkshire Fog - 10ml - also in Grief and Water Excess

For grief, helping us to express it without becoming entangled in it.