Creature Comforters' Flower Essences are liquid~herbal products that are used to help address transient emotional and behavioural problems ~ naturally.
The Creature Comforters' Flower Essence Collection comprises the complete range of all 30 Flower Essences, from Autumn leaves to Zinnia. A little goes a long way as each 10ml stock bottle can prepare well over one hundred dosage bottles.
This set is blended to a traditional concentration, direct from the 'Mother' tincture. Importantly, all our Remedies and Essences are still made in the natural and time-honoured way, according to Dr Bach's precise instructions.
(See essences marked with an “C” after the code in the A - Z list of Essences for full information)
Autumn Leaves
All varietiesDifficulty with transitions or changes Support during transitions or changes Blackberry
Rubus fruticosusHesitant / Disordered / Unmotivated Focused / Organized / Active Blackthorn
Prunus spinosaVulnerable to environmental 'pollutants' Shielded from 'pollutants' or negativity Bluebell
Endymion non-scriptusStressed / Anxious / Tense Comforted / Soothed / Tranquil Chalice Well
Red & White Springs GlastonburyDrained life force Renewed strength / Released / Rejuvenated Chamomile
Anthemis arvensisEmotional turmoil / Distress Contented / Comforted / Soothed Cherry Blossom Unloved / Abandoned / Neglected Loved / Nurtured Copper Beech
Fagus sylvaticaInsecure / Ungrounded / Disorientated Secure / Balanced / Grounded Cowslip
Primula verisDepleted emotional resources (especially for carers) / 'Unable to cope' Emotional strength Dandelion
Taraxacum officinaleTension / Tightness / Disciplined Loose / Relaxed Dark Mullein
Verbascum nigrumMentally overwhelmed / Vague Lucid / Clear / Rational / Coherent Horsetail
Equisetum palustre'Toxic' system Cleansed Jack by the Hedge
Allaria petiolataFrail / Delicate constitution / Weak Support for the immune system Lungwort
Pulmonaria officinalisUnchanging / Lifeless Re-energised / Reawakened Morning Glory
Ipomoea purpuraErratic body rhythms Balanced Moss Suppressed trauma Release / (Catalyst for:) Emotional healing Myrtle Beleaguered / Shattered Renewed inner resilience / Endurance Nasturtium
Tropaeolum majusSluggish mind / Lackluster Attentive / Clarity Orange Hawkweed
Pilosella aurantiacumTrauma held in the body Support / Strength Pansy
Viola tricolorWeakness / Lethargy Strength / Vitality Peppermint
Mentha pipertaConfusion / Muddled Clarity of mind Pink Yarrow
Achillea millefolOversensitive / Vulnerable / Drained by negativity Protected / Self-contained Poppy
Papaver (various species)Trapped / Restrained / Obstructed Protected / Self-contained Primrose
Primula vulgarisLost inner child / Sadness Comfort / Release from past Ramsons
Allium ursinumDebilitated / Sluggish / 'Contaminated' Cleansed / Renewed energy Self Heal
Prunella vulgarisBelow par / Weakened system Recharged / Restored healing system Tansy
Tanacetum vulgareApathetic / Indifferent Motivated / Stimulated / Inspired Vipers Bugloss
Echium vulgareDominating / Manipulative Balanced / Receptive White Yarrow
Achillea millefoliumVulnerability to Geographic stress Protected Zinnia
Zinnia elegansSerious / Introverted / Solemn Enthusiastic / Bright / Playful