Giant Bellflower | (Campanula latifolia) | Pink Purslane | (Montia siberica) |
Red Frangipani | (Frangipani plumeria rubra) | Wood Anemone | (Anemone nemorosa) |
Heather | (Calluna vulgaris) |
Negative cellular memories are often due to powerful suppressions that we have experienced early in life, or perhaps in previous lifetimes. These often originate from parents teachers or our peers. They can form guilt complexes which can rule our life.
Suppressed positive cellular memories can be from our own innate powers that made others feel inadequate or disempowered. The power games that people play can often dispossess us from our own inherent powers so they are no longer available to us. Inevitably, there will be changes of the personality when cellular memories are healed and empowered. Maybe we will no longer be the “pushover” we once were. If we were always compliant and subservient to others (or conversely over-dominant), then inevitably such patterns will modify as we discover our own true needs and begin to honour them.
Wood Anemone is for blocked off energies and memories from the distant past, and perhaps previous lifetimes. It helps us to regain our lost powers.
Red Frangipani is to reawaken our links with the infinite, the source of our being. This source has many names, God, Allah, The Great Spirit etc. The names do not matter as the infinite power is beyond such labelling.
Pink Purslane helps us to widen our views of the world and ourselves. It helps us to leave past attitudes and views behind and to embrace a future of enhanced vision and empowerment.
Giant Bellfloweris the clarion call for change. It is the catalyst for action where old habits have been holding us back.
Heather, one of the Bach essences, helps us to discover powers of the past that have been suppressed within our psyche, powers that can, in balance, help us to assert ourselves fully in the world. We are far more powerful than we imagine and Heather helps us to realise this. It enables us to safely bring forward the wisdom and innate powers of the past.