Teenagers & Bach Flower Remedy

The teenage years are some pretty hard years, because of the change from being a child and to being an adult. That change can be frustrating for both you and your parents. Your parents have to get used to you being a young lady or man and not a child and that can be hard for a parent.

The will help you get through the teenage years in a calm and confident way.


Cherry Plum: Helps you when you feel that your mind is being over-strained, you feel like you are going to explode or do irrational things. It helps you get more relaxed about your parents or siblings and not get mad at them.

Chestnut Bud: Helps you when you keep doing the same mistake over and over again. Also if you feel that you can not keep up in school.

Crab Apple: Helps you when you feel that something is not right about yourself, you can always find something that you think is ugly or wrong about yourself. Even if other people can not see it and think that you are very pretty or handsome.

Elm: Helps you when you feel that you get overwhelmed either by school, homework or other responsibilities.

Gentian: Helps you when you get discouraged and depressed when things go wrong or when you are faced with difficulties.

Hornbeam: Helps you when you procrastinate and have a hard time getting started with, for example, your homework.

Larch: Unfortunately low self-esteem is very normal in the teenage years, Larch will help you to regain self-esteem and confidence in yourself.

Mimulus: Helps you when you feel afraid, the kind of fear you can put a name on such as, fear of death, fear of not being good enough, an upcoming exam, being alone etc. It also help you if you are shy and tight tongued in company with people you do not know.

Walnut: Helps you break free from old ties (parents) and at times of major life changes (puberty). It helps you adjust to your mental and physical changes. It also helps you to trust yourself and not being affected by what other people tell you.

Wild Oat: Helps you decide which education that suites you best. There are many choices and in this age it can be hard to choose an education that you will be happy with when your studies are done.