Pregnancy & Bach Flower Remedies

Then it happened and you are pregnant. The next 9 months are filled with emotions ranging from ecstatic excitement to hysterical fear. Your baby and your body are experiencing a rapid change from day to day. The surge of hormones during our pregnancy is responsible for a variety of emotional ups and downs as well as physical symptoms and disturbances. The Bach Flower Remedies help us go through these 9 months by putting doubts and fears in perspective before they have a chance to grow out of proportion and spoil what should otherwise be 9 months of happiness.

* Morning Sickness; Crab Apple, Rescue Remedy

* Shock at being pregnant; Star of Bethlehem, Rescue Remedy

* Difficulty in accepting pregnancy or resenting pregnancy: Willow

* Mood changes: Scleranthus

* Dreamy; fuzzy-brained, not quite yourself: Clematis

* Apprehensive, fear of the unknown: Aspen

* Fear of the known things: Mimulus

* Frozen fear of becoming a parent: Rock Rose

* Difficulty making decisions, always seeking confirmation from others: Cerato

* Tiredness, exhaustion: Olive (Always check with your doctor to make sure it's nothing serious)

* Difficulty adjusting to the changing states of pregnancy: Walnut

Impatiens: This Essence helps us deal with our impatience. Especially the last few months can be a drag, we feel huge and we just want to have the baby right here and now. The closer we get to the due date we get can unbearably impatient. Impatiens helps us relax and cope calmly with the waiting period.

Mimulus: This Essence helps us when we get fearful, afraid of the birth, pain, afraid of complications or if the baby is okay. Fear is very common during pregnancy we fear all the unthinkable things possible. Mimulus helps us face our fears and gets our emotions under control, so we can enjoy our pregnancy with confidence and courage.

Elm: This Essence helps us when we feel that things are too overwhelming. Being pregnant can be overwhelming, our body is growing and changing; moreover, we have to handle our job, family responsibilities, maybe other children, we are overwhelmed by responsibilities. Elm helps us restore our normal capable personality and helps us take time to look after our own needs.

Mustard: This Essence helps us when we for no apparent reason get depressed. Suddenly the depression comes and goes for no known reason. We are supposed to be happy and excited, but we experience a sudden depression that overcast everything and destroys our normal cheerfulness. Mustard restores our inner stability and peace of mind and brings joy to our life.

Walnut: This Essence helps us adjust to the change that is happening in our body. Pregnancy is a time of extreme change. Walnut helps us go through pregnancy without too many ups and downs and helps us adjusts to our upcoming labor and parenthood.

White Chestnut: This Essences help us when we worry, what if this or that, will I be a good Parent, can I love this baby as much as the first etc. White Chestnut, will put those unnecessary worries in perspective.

Crap Apple: This Essence helps us when we get to the point where we have grown out of all our clothes and we are standing in front of the mirror feeling like an elephant. No matter how beautiful our husband tells us that we look, we feel huge. Crap Apple helps us accept that we are carrying around with a baby in our belly, we are supposed to be huge. We will be able to look in the mirror and see a pregnant woman, not an elephant.

Olive: This Essence helps us when we feel utterly exhausted. Pregnancy can be terribly exhausting for our body and we need extra sleep. Olive helps us restore our strength and vitality when all our energy has run out.

If you are very tired, please see a doctor to check for nutritional or physical reasons as well.

§§§§ All medication taken during pregnancy

should be at a doctor's direction §§§§