Isopogon - Australian Bush Flowers

(PROTEACEAE Ispogon anethifolius)

An Australian Native Flower (Made in Leura, Blue Mounains, NSW)

Improves poor memory * Retrieval of forgotten skills * Learning from past experiences

"We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success" - Samuel Smiles

Isopogon is very useful for opening up the subconscious mind and allowing the retrieval of long-forgotten skills.

Isopogon helps to retrieve memories of the past. All our past experiences are stored in our auras and we can remember any event by using the right key to unlock the door to the subconscious. This remedy has also helped those suffering from senility, Alzheimer's disease and poor memory, but it may need to be taken on and off for a few months.

People who fail to learn from their experiences can also take Isopogon. Nothing happens to us by chance. If we don't learn from one event, then the lesson will be repeated over and over again until we finally understand it.

Those people who don't learn from their mistakes often race through life trying to dominate and control it without stopping to review previous experiences. One of the best ways to learn is to make many mistakes but after making each one, to correct our behaviour accordingly.

This remedy is also useful for people who feel the need to dominate and control others. They want to be in charge at all times and can't imagine that others may be capable of doing a job as well as or better than they can. They often believe that they know more than others, or that they know better. This can be seen in very rigid parents.

These people are often dominated by their intellect and cut off from their feelings. They may be very powerful, ambitious, demanding and tyrannical and intolerant towards weaker people. Moreover, they may be very stubborn for long periods of time in order to control others.

The positive aspect that this essence may engender is the natural leader who is inspiring, wise, tolerant and flexible, who encourages others to develop their own skills and abilities. This is a person who learns from experience.

I learn from my experiences
I relate to others with understanding and flexibility
I have access to my skills whenever they are needed

Information from "Australian Bush Flower Essences" by Ian White