Primrose - Creature Comforter Essences

Comfort. Release from past. Lightens and cleanses as though a weight is lifted. To help studying, mental growth and learning.

Primrose: Good Love!

Loving with all the boundlessness of one’s being whilst accepting the boundaries. Appropriate love. Letting go of giving or receiving inappropriate expressions of love—intrusion, imposition, rejection, neglect, etc. Finding within the reality of a given relationship ample room to love well.

Primrose essence helps us to love with all the boundlessness of our being whilst respecting any boundaries that may exist in the external space of relating. It helps to safe-guard us from drawing inappropriate expressions of love from other people - from neglect through to intrusiveness, lack of care through to excessive intimacy—by enabling us to be more fully conscious of our own boundaries and the level of our needs. Similarly, it helps us to be aware of and accept the needs and boundaries of the other person, comprehending their wishes and desires when they are at odds with our own, coming to an inner acceptance of the place of balance between us.

As such this is a remedy which can be useful in relations with friends and loved ones in particular, helping to heal conflict that may come from misunderstandings about the love that is being offered. The time, heart-space, energy, commitment, etc. available on each side does not always balance; this can cause great confusion, unhappiness, loneliness and/or feelings of being compromised. Because the essence facilitates the acceptance of letting love be at the level it truly is, it can release the struggle and pain around this, bringing greater peace and acceptance.