Pansy - Creature Comforter Essences

Strength, vitality. Erases negative thoughts, visioning for new future dreams.

Pansy helps to boost the energetic blueprint for the immune system and can therefore act as a handy preventative against many of our common winter ‘bugs’. It can be combined with Jasmine essence to relieve congestion. Also stimulates the metal body and the intuition.

This pansy can help to erase negative self-talk such as "I can't..." or "I never..." or "I won't be able to..." and bring the opposites into view-your abilities, talents, and strengths. The visioning for new future dreams is assisted and uplifted towards your 6th and 7th chakras, including fears of the aging process.

The Pansy has been called “Herb Trinity” due to the fact that it has three colors in one flower.

The shape of the pansy leads the Devonshire folk to call it “Heart-Pansy,” as well as Heart’s-ease, or Heart seed. The name means “thought” on which Louis XV of France is said to have name his physician after the name. Pansy is an immune builder as it draws out from within the individual the purest quality of heart and mind. As a flower essence, pansy helps us to ‘face’ the world, thereby, strengthening our courage to share our beauty with the world. The flower essence of pansy clears negative thoughts and opens the heart chakra.