Oak - Dr. Bach & Bailey Flower Remedy

(Quercus robur)
Dr. Bach Flower Remedy: For strong, reliable, hard-working people who carry on stolidly through adversity and who find it difficult to accept any help.

Bailey Flower Essences: Mirrors quiet inner strength and wisdom. It helps us to relax and find our own strenghts.
Component of Confusion, Unification and Wood Deficient Bailey Combination Formula.
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This is of great help where there is confusion, an over-active mind, or a lack of inner strength.

When we feel buffeted about by the world we can easily feel confused, lacking the courage of our own convictions. Under these circumstances the quality we need is that of being rooted, yet maintaining a broad overview of what is going on. This is the quality of Wood in the Chinese Five Elements. It is therefore not surprising that it is the flowers of the English Oak that are so appropriate for treating this condition.

Oak helps us to feel at home in the world whilst maintaining a quiet overview of what is going on around us. It supports us in developing a quiet inner strength so that, like the oak tree, we will not easily be overturned by opposing forces. We become strong and resilient.

From this strong viewpoint we can then watch the world with quiet amusement, seeing, perhaps in amazement, just how seriously many people take themselves. It teaches us not to react against the world, but to act with freedom on the circumstances around us. We are then no longer imprisoned by old reaction patterns that can so often disempower us.

Positive qualities:
Balanced strength, accepting limits, knowing when to surrender.

Patterns of imbalance:
Iron-willed, inflexible; over-striving beyond one's limits.

Oak flower essence addresses many positive masculine soul traits of endurance, strength, and perseverance. These are the admirable qualities of the Mars-like hero, but they become a source of illness and dysfunction when they are not balanced with Venusian grace and gentle surrender.

The Oak personality presses the limits of endurance; such persons are capable of enormous achievement. They are able to truly serve and help others because of their tremendous wellspring of willpower. However, this very strength can also become too rigid the unrelenting demands and expectations which they have for themselves eventually take a toll in the physical health and inner happiness of the soul, until finally the individual is forced by circumstances to acknowledge that he/she is not all-powerful.

Oak flower essence teaches such persons the positive attributes of surrender and acceptance of limitation. Through Oak flower essence, the naturally strong capacities of the soul are balanced with the inner feminine Self, which learns to yield and to receive help from others when necessary.

- from the "Flower Essence Repertory", by Patricia Kaminsky and Richard Katz. The most comprehensive and user-friendly flower essence book we've found. Highly recommended for any practitioner.